Count the Days

Count the Days

My kids often say that I remind them of Cameron Tucker on Modern Family.  If you are unfamiliar with this sitcom character, he is the over-weight, middle aged, balding, gay guy. Although Cameron has a great sense of style, he is beloved for the way he celebrates life.  I pray that this is what my children see as the similarity?!  But considering this past weekend's celebration, I think my children may actually be on to something.  Last Friday I turned 20,000 days old.  I know, wow, huh?  Yes, that is a lot of days!  And yes, I loved every one.  I calculated this momentous occasion three years ago when it dawned on me that I was getting close.  I was also disappointed that I had missed the 10,000th anniversary of my days here on earth.  So I put the date (July 28, 2017) in my iPhone and set a reminder, so that I wouldn't forget to acknowledge the milestone and CELEBRATE it accordingly!  It reminded me at precisely 9:00 am, one week before, just as I had planned.  So for one week, I pondered the huge number and the state of my life.

When you hear the number 20,000, it is a bit overwhelming.  It is hard to relate to.  I've never seen 20,000 of any thing.  To count it out loud would be nearly impossible, or so stinking exhausting, that no one would ever try it.  But I have been thinking of all the things I've done faithfully during those 20K days.  For starters, I wind that beautiful German Grandfather clock (pictured above) once a week, and have ever since we bought it 24 years ago - so about 1,250 times.  The clock has never needed repair and it doesn't miss a chime, now that is fine German engineering!  Now considering that I sleep on average 7-8 hours a night, my horizontal time is a whopping 140,000 to 160,000 hours!  No wonder I have a crick in my neck!  I need to invest in a new mattress or one of those miracle pillows.  Now consider the daily grooming routines.  It is a rare day that I do not shower, so let's say that I started showering at age 10.  That means that I have had 16,070 showers, give or take a few.  Think of the water usage!  Imagine how much shampoo I've used, especially before I realized the rinse-repeat thing was a gimmick!  Then think deodorant or tooth paste.  I should be SURE, given the amount of deodorant I have applied in 20,000 days!  On average I brush my teeth three times a day.  That is 60,000 tooth brushing events!  There should be no wonder then I can do it in the dark, while talking, singing, or in the shower when I'm running late.  I'm an expert at things I hadn't given myself credit for - a sidebar benefit from being a celebrator!   I could keep counting, but I don't want to bore you.  I must admit, I kept Jody up late into the night calculating dishes washed, meals prepared, vacuumed floors, toilets scrubbed, and spin cycles...woah!  I'm exhausted just thinking about it!  But, keep reading, you are 600 words down, only 605 more to go.  But who's counting!

Now of my 20,000 days on planet earth, I have been married to Jody for 11,387 days!  I wish I could say, I've woken up beside my husband each of those days, but Uncle Sam has done his darnedest to make that impossible.  But, I can loudly pronounce that I've loved him for all of those days, and 1,868 days before we married.  I fell in love on our first date, after years of friendship!  And I have done my best to show him so!  So I have kissed him goodbye, good morning, good night, "I'm sorry," and just for fun and, more times than I can count.  I've asked my husband for forgiveness and have given him forgiveness literally thousands of times.  I've professed my love for him daily, so I would guess, close to 20,000 times without an official count available.  Our track record is lengthy, our love bank deep. I'm glad that as I number my days, those spent with him are my best!  Our history is very comforting and it makes facing growing older, with him by my side, quite pleasant!  So I won't begrudge my 20,000th anniversary, but embrace it and praise God for His grace and blessings!

My spiritual day count began very early when at the age of 5 I accepted Jesus as my Savior.  So I'm guessing this is 18,000 days loving God and growing in the knowledge of Him.  I wish I knew the exact date, but I don't.  Nevertheless, I do remember the event.  It was a Campus Crusade for Christ event at Trinity Lutheran Church in Gadsden, Alabama.  My parents were the youth pastors, and we were all there at a special service.  The beautiful, yet simplistic way Linda, a lovely blonde-haired lady, described salvation stirred my heart that had already been shepherded by years of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.  It was as natural for me to love God and turn my heart over to Him as it was for me to breathe.  Linda laid out the plan of salvation and my entire family accepted Jesus as their personal Savior!  It was a life changing day.  We had been faithful church attenders, but at that moment, we became faithful Christ followers.  I have no exciting testimony of drugs, crime or tragedy, just a simple one involving a child-like faith that has grown from the faithful watering by my parents, ministers and my wonderful husband!  Without wavering, I have loved God for almost 50 years!  Those are the true days that need to be celebrated.  I believe Psalms 27:4-5 sums up my life - "One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple!  For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock."  Next Wednesday I will share with you the truth about an ugly year in my marriage, and God's faithfulness in seeing us through.  So no walk with God is without trial.  Quite the contrary, God promises trials will come, but that He will never forsake us!  What a comfort.  That promise is for you, too.  He will "keep you safe in his dwelling," so hold on tightly to Jesus each and every day!  Please keep reading dear friends.


Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Psalms 90:12

The Ugly Year!

The Ugly Year!

