All in Forgiveness


Being naked is more than just being without clothing.  It is the state of being exposed, unprotected and vulnerable.  Being naked, or the fear of it, can reveal the status of your heart.  The degree in which you allow yourself to be transparent is a tell-tale sign of how comfortable you are with those in your marriage, family and community. Keep reading friend!

Are You Hiding?

Are you hiding today? We hide for many reasons. In terms of our sins- we hide because we do not believe God will forgive us. We do not understand who God is! As Christians, in terms of our marriage- we hide because we do not trust the spirit of God inside our spouse. We do not believe the vows spoken for “better or worse” and think we must live in a facade of “better.” Keep reading, friends!

Average Joe

Each time I watch the Olympics, I always have the same thought- we need an average Joe.  If I was in charge I would insist we start each event with a random drawing from the list of spectators- “Would the person sitting in Section F, Row 16, Seat 7 please report to the starting line or the ice rink, whatever the event.”  Then we would all watch as the average Joe, someone like us, attempted the event.