Praying for God’s Will

Part 5 in the WordWashedWife series on prayer is written by my youngest DIL, Becky. Keep reading as she describes a time when her prayers changed. “As I began to come to terms with the change in our future, I started to realize that my prayers probably weren’t focused on the right thing. Although I was praying, my prayers were me-centered, not God-centered.”

Answered Prayers

Today’s post is the 4th in a Word WashedWife series on prayer. I believe you will enjoy reading my DIL, Sarah’s words about a scary time in her marriage to my son, JP. Keep reading: “JP and I met during a time when we were both far from God. My walk with God was distant and he had rejected his faith. We started dating in the summer of 2010 and that fall I transferred and joined JP as an Auburn student. We were inseparable. “

Iron Sharpens Iron

Today’s post is the 3rd in a WordWashedWife series on prayer. It is written by my daughter Madeline. I believe you will benefit from her post about a troublesome time in her marriage after having children. Keep reading: “There will be moments that your spouse will deeply disappoint and hurt you.  Notice I don’t say there may be, because there will be.  Marriage is the closest, most vulnerable, most intimate relationship a human can experience on Earth.  As a result, it has the power to wound in a way that you wouldn’t think possible.” 

Meet Me at the Peach

Today’s post is the second in a six part WordWashedWife series on prayer.

We have all faced times when we doubted that God was listening.  If we are truthful, we can all say that we have had the feeling that sometimes our prayers just bounce off the ceiling.  Today’s post addresses how to live through the spiritual dry times in your life- meet me at the peach!

Let Us Pray!

I love those three words!  When I hear these words and then obey, I am confident that answers, peace and comfort are only moments away!  Prayer is the foundation of faith. Today’s post kicks off a six week WordWashedWife series on prayer! I am confident you will be blessed, keep reading friend!

I Wish...

I have always said MOTHERHOOD is synonymous with guilt and self-loathing!  This must stop!  No more should we think, I wish I baked cookies every week like Sally does, or I wish I was volunteering at the school every day like Jennifer or got to stay home with my kids like Molly.  😊  This must end.

God Is Faithful

In March 2016, Olive, my oldest granddaughter, was born with cytomegalovirus (CMV).  This virus is virtually harmless to everyone but neonates.  The early detection of CMV, although hard to process in the moment, was a testimony to God’s faithfulness.  Olive’s story is miraculous, and I do love sharing it.