
This post is very timely, as tomorrow I am facing the next big change.  I am retiring.  Cue the choir- "Hallelujah!"  I have worked full time 28 of the last 32 years. 

Average Joe

Each time I watch the Olympics, I always have the same thought- we need an average Joe.  If I was in charge I would insist we start each event with a random drawing from the list of spectators- “Would the person sitting in Section F, Row 16, Seat 7 please report to the starting line or the ice rink, whatever the event.”  Then we would all watch as the average Joe, someone like us, attempted the event.

God is my Source!

As much as I profess that GOD IS MY SOURCE, there is a part of me that also subconsciously thinks, “but I got it God, don’t worry about me.”  When I want water I turn on the tap, out comes clean cool water.  The City Water Board has never let me down.

5 Ways to Abuse Proof Your Marriage

Ponder this:  To a God who sees lust as adultery, and hatred as murder (Matthew 5:21-30), how do you believe He sees evil words and angry outbursts?  I believe that God sees emotional abuse no less a sin than physical abuse.  Both expose an ugly side of our heart – the side that is rebellious and must have its own way at all cost.  Whenever we hold ourselves in higher regard than our spouse, we sin!

Feeling Neglected

We neglect our spouses.  Then wonder what happened when we find ourselves in the ditch. For example, if I pursue work as my priority for a few weeks, months, years and then want to have an intimate conversation with my long-suffering spouse, I will find both of us unable to do the heavy lifting. There is truth in the proverb- use it or lose it. 

Mending Broken Trust

The consequences of poor decisions, or sin, can be long-lasting in your marriage.  But with dedication, putting one day behind the next, doing what is right  day after day, allowing God’s spirit to heal the hurt, I promise the trust will be rebuilt.

You Wash, I Dry

If there is friction each week on who has done what, leaving someone feeling overworked, it is time to sit down and take another look at how you are managing your household.  There are many ways to skin a cat 😊, clean a house, do laundry, and prepare tasty meals for your family!

Scruffy Beards and Yoga Pants

In rank order, your relationships should be God, then your spouse, then your children, then your extended family, friends and neighbors.  NOTE!  Children, and the demands of raising them, should never be allowed to unseat your spouse.  Keeping your relationship with your spouse a priority is good for you AND for your children.

3 Godly Goals

Micah was asking rhetorical questions and providing God’s answers.  In verse 8, he asks “what does the Lord require of you?”  In light of today’s topic, he is asking- “what are God’s goals for you this year?”  “How does God want you to live your life?” And then Micah states God’s answer.  It is simple, yet perfect- act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.  This, my friends, should be our top three goals this year and every year.  Keep reading.

The Best Gift

I think that what I feel about my children is kind of like what God must feel with us.  He has no needs, but He loves spending time with us.  As I consider what God wants from us this Christmas, I am sure that His answer is the same as Jody’s and my classic answer to our kids, “You!”  And God wants you too! 

Bad -isms!

Let me explain.  In marriage, consumerism happens when we treat the holy covenant we made with our spouse and God as a mere business transaction.  This happens when we look at marriage as a commodity – when the marriage is no longer producing or pleasing, we sell and get out of the agreement.