Jody and I love Christmas and look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with brothers and sisters across the globe! Today’s post looks at a practical way to keep the true meaning of Christmas central to your hearts and minds- keep reading!
Jody and I love Christmas and look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with brothers and sisters across the globe! Today’s post looks at a practical way to keep the true meaning of Christmas central to your hearts and minds- keep reading!
The holidays can be a tough time of year for many people. Please read as I encourage a sister who is dreading Christmas.
In order to love you neighbor you may have to get to know them and have them over for coffee or dinner! Today’s post is a push towards Gospel Hospitality- no better time than the holidays! Keep reading, friends!
“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever!” This Thanksgiving please join me in thanking God for the multitude of blessings He has bestowed on us.
1 Corinthians 13 is an important chapter on the “how to’s of love” but the first verse can’t be skimmed over. It is the crux of the entire chapter. It must be understood if we want our marriage to reflect the gospel.
“Who do you want to be this year?” This question floats around every costume store around the 31st of every October. This post takes a moment to look at who you want to be, what your life confirms or denies about this statement and an encouragement to pursue Christ and His holiness. Keep reading, friends!
Are you hiding today? We hide for many reasons. In terms of our sins- we hide because we do not believe God will forgive us. We do not understand who God is! As Christians, in terms of our marriage- we hide because we do not trust the spirit of God inside our spouse. We do not believe the vows spoken for “better or worse” and think we must live in a facade of “better.” Keep reading, friends!
Would your marriage pass the SNIFF test? Does it have the aroma of Christ’s love or the stink of selfishness? Keep reading!
Marriage is hard, I get that. But we do not have to depend on our own ability, we have God in this marriage covenant as well. If we ever truly embraced that thought- Christians would never divorce. Our marriages would be UNMOVABLE!
Sexual drive and desire may decrease for a number of reasons. This is not the time to give up or settle for a “roommate” lifestyle. It’s the time for deep conversations and maybe some professional help. Keep reading, friends!
Is an affair of the heart a serious offense? Do I need to confess it to my husband? Keep reading as I shed the light of the TRUTH of the Gospel on emotional affairs in this sister’s life.
Life can be cruel and leave scars on our lives making marriage and family life even more difficult. These scars can only be healed through the power and love of God. Allow His Spirit, the Great Comforter, to do His job to calm your anxieties and heal your heart! Keep reading friends!
I read a statistic the other day that said 90% of men have viewed pornography. The internet is filled with it. If this is an issue in your marriage there is help, keep reading!
As women we often have a lower sex drive than our husbands. When sex is painful it magnifies that problem. Please read as a sister shares her heart and her frustrations with her marriage.
Life is tough. Hard things happen. Your marriage is often where the rubber meets the road in terms of your faith. Do not despair. God has promised to never leave us. Hang on to each other and to Jesus- keep reading!