
Jody and I love Christmas and look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus with brothers and sisters across the globe! Today’s post looks at a practical way to keep the true meaning of Christmas central to your hearts and minds- keep reading!

Take Off Your Mask- Put on Holiness

“Who do you want to be this year?” This question floats around every costume store around the 31st of every October. This post takes a moment to look at who you want to be, what your life confirms or denies about this statement and an encouragement to pursue Christ and His holiness. Keep reading, friends!

Are You Hiding?

Are you hiding today? We hide for many reasons. In terms of our sins- we hide because we do not believe God will forgive us. We do not understand who God is! As Christians, in terms of our marriage- we hide because we do not trust the spirit of God inside our spouse. We do not believe the vows spoken for “better or worse” and think we must live in a facade of “better.” Keep reading, friends!