All tagged gospel life

Take Off Your Mask- Put on Holiness

“Who do you want to be this year?” This question floats around every costume store around the 31st of every October. This post takes a moment to look at who you want to be, what your life confirms or denies about this statement and an encouragement to pursue Christ and His holiness. Keep reading, friends!

God Is Faithful

In March 2016, Olive, my oldest granddaughter, was born with cytomegalovirus (CMV).  This virus is virtually harmless to everyone but neonates.  The early detection of CMV, although hard to process in the moment, was a testimony to God’s faithfulness.  Olive’s story is miraculous, and I do love sharing it. 

3 Godly Goals

Micah was asking rhetorical questions and providing God’s answers.  In verse 8, he asks “what does the Lord require of you?”  In light of today’s topic, he is asking- “what are God’s goals for you this year?”  “How does God want you to live your life?” And then Micah states God’s answer.  It is simple, yet perfect- act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.  This, my friends, should be our top three goals this year and every year.  Keep reading.

A Spirit Led Life

The spirit led walk is implied in John 10:27, and it is one of my favorite verses - “My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me.”  So let's break down the three steps Jesus described in this verse.  Hear.  Know.  Follow.  

the Pursuit of Cool

Is it OK to desire to be cool?

From a biblical prospective there is no encouragement to be cool.  The Bible is clearly a book written for all time, it is the inspired word of God. It is like the perfect little black dress- timeless.  We are never encouraged to be hip or part of the in crowd.  Instead  we realize while reading the word that Jesus was not a fad -"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  (Hebrews 13:8)   And simply put, that is my answer.  My pursuit of cool is outside my pursuit of God. 

the Grudge Game

I am a college football fan and more importantly an LSU fan.  If you know me, you already know this about me.  It is an oddity, I’m sure.  But I love football.  I love the game, the strategy, the play calling, the God given talent on display in those young athletes on the field and those purple and gold tigers! If I had been born a bit more coordinated, muscular or male, I’d have played football- quarterback for sure!  

Lets have a fair fight

Right before Sylvester Stalone starts landing blows on his opponent in each of the famous Rocky movies, a referee reminds him of the rules.  The two menacing boxers stand toe to toe- drenched in sweat, boxing gloves on.  The referee pulls down a microphone from the sky and starts explaining the rules.  “We want a good clean fight, no sucker punches or blows below the waist, touch gloves, and when I say go to your corner, go there and stay there, and don’t come out until you hear the bell. May the best fighter win!”   I have often thought that this referee would make a great wedding officiant.  He could wed people and start them off on the right foot on how to fight fairly.

Sin is crouching

I have told this story on numerous occasions and I love the laughter and the follow up question “can we see the scar?”  But as I think back on this crazy trip I can’t stop from looking at it more deeply- so bear with me -  there are things that desire to hurt you!  This thing, for the purpose of this blog, is sin.   Sin is always crouching at the door, desiring to crush you! (Genesis 4:7)  This is nothing new

Tell me the truth again

 One night, after work, I sunk to a new level of grief and sadness.  I sat on the stairs leading to our kitchen and cried inconsolably.   Jody wisely sat down beside me and began to comfort me with the truths from God’s word.  He instinctively reminded me of God’s love and provision. He quoted verse after verse. Jody washed me in the Word and I felt my faith grow! Keep reading, new friend as I use this blog to talk about the benefits of living in a Godly marriage, a gospel centered marriage where Jesus is glorified each and every day regardless of the circumstances. Come join me in the pursuit of a Word Washed Life!