Football 101 is a light hearted post that will give you a basic understanding of the game of football so you can enjoy this football season with your spouse!
Football 101 is a light hearted post that will give you a basic understanding of the game of football so you can enjoy this football season with your spouse!
Please read as I explore the insight gained from Enneagrams and how it assists in spiritual sanctification.
I am called by many names- Sue, Wife, Mom, Daughter and Sweet Mama- but my favorite name is Child of God! Keep reading as I talk about the importance of the name of God!
Sometimes we rob God of His glory when we do not fully embrace His role in our story. Keep reading as I compare the story of Noah and the Ark to raising children and marriage.
The last letter in this Dear Word Washed Wife series is from a single sister who wants to be married. Keep reading as I remind her of spiritual truths of God’s love and that she is not forgotten!
Did you learn about sex in the context of God’s design or from a worldly perspective? A couple writes asking questions about what God approves and disapproves of regarding sex. Keep reading, friends..
Today we try to do too much. We need to be careful to make sure our lives reflect our priorities! Keep reading as I answer a sister’s question about how she should handle her fatigue and her husband’s frustration.
What happens when couples mature spiritually at different rates? This sister’s concern is not unusual, but a story I hear often. Keep reading as I encourage this sister to pray for her husband.
Why did God allow women to tempt men with their outward beauty? This is the question a hurting sister has for God. God is not offended. God welcomes our questions and concerns.
Is it safe to have friendships with member of the opposite sex? What should be the boundaries of those relationships?
Please read my answer to a sister who has been hurt by her husband’s affair and is tired of being flooded by painful memories.
A Christian sister writes Word Washed Wife and ask a question about what God expects from us in our role as wife.
“The truth and nothing but the truth”- should be a bedrock principle in all Christian marriages.
Keep reading as we look at how the truth will truly set you free!
We disagreed a lot on the cleanliness of our apartment the first year or two of our marriage. It required us to learn the art of compromise and negotiation. Keep reading, friend!
Communication should be very easy- most of us started talking soon after birth. But I know it is not! Communication takes work and today’s mini post has some practical ideas how to make it easier! Keep reading, friends!