The goal of marriage is not happiness, procreation or financial security. Those goals are too small. The goal of marriage is an eternal one- sanctification. Keep reading!
All tagged God designed marriage
The goal of marriage is not happiness, procreation or financial security. Those goals are too small. The goal of marriage is an eternal one- sanctification. Keep reading!
What does it mean to be “washed by the Word?” Keep reading as I share my personal experience on this topic and encourage you to seek out a truly word washed life!
Do you know God’s intended mission for your marriage? Keep reading, friends as I unpack the next part of Ephesians 5 in the WordWashedWife series Without Spot or Wrinkle.
I am called by many names- Sue, Wife, Mom, Daughter and Sweet Mama- but my favorite name is Child of God! Keep reading as I talk about the importance of the name of God!
Did you learn about sex in the context of God’s design or from a worldly perspective? A couple writes asking questions about what God approves and disapproves of regarding sex. Keep reading, friends..
What happens when couples mature spiritually at different rates? This sister’s concern is not unusual, but a story I hear often. Keep reading as I encourage this sister to pray for her husband.
A Christian sister writes Word Washed Wife and ask a question about what God expects from us in our role as wife.
March Madness 2-minute Marriage Drills.
Has your love for God become lukewarm? How about your feelings for your spouse? Keep reading and learn how to TURN BACK UP THE HEAT!
We would behave differently if we stopped and thought about the issue through God’s vantage point. Our views on family, marriage and church would be radically changed- for the better! Keep reading, friends!
Complementarianism is a $20 word used to describe how men and women are to work together in marriage, in ministry and in the body of Christ. It is a buzz topic these days in Christian circles. I believe that there is a fair amount of confusion surrounding the topic and today, I’d like to walk through what God says about our roles in marriage and in the body of Christ.
Marriage is tough. It takes more than love and respect, a 10 step program, learning how to negotiate or speaking each others love language. Ultimately it requires us to make a choice to not be offended. It requires letting go of trying to be right and pursuing God and His righteousness. Keep reading, friend!
This is the last post in the series FINDING A FRIEND IN YOUR MARRIAGE. I hope the series of posts have helped inspire you to re-look at the friendship you and your spouse have and maybe given you the needed push to invest more time and energy in this important relationship! Keep reading, friend.
I love those three words! When I hear these words and then obey, I am confident that answers, peace and comfort are only moments away! Prayer is the foundation of faith. Today’s post kicks off a six week WordWashedWife series on prayer! I am confident you will be blessed, keep reading friend!
A kind word can warm three winter months!
Japanese Proverb.
Keep reading as I describe the importance of each word you speak to your spouse.
I believe that fear plays a role in the dysfunction of many marriages today. Deep inside each one of us is a need for attachment with another human. Keep reading as I explore the effect fear may have on your marriage.